

My daughter-in-law to be bought me my precious Pandora Bracelet for Christmas.
Also a blue and silver charm and a silver angel.
My hubby and sister-in-law have added to my collection and I now have 13 lovely charms.

We were invited to a wedding and as l was wearing pink l thought l will change my blue charms to pink.
Taking them off l thought how dull it looked. 
Toothpaste! l heard toothpaste was a brilliant jewellery cleaner.
Removing my charms one slipped out of my hands.
Oh no -Hells bells it's gone down the plug hole.
Checking my collection l realized it was my angel.
My hubby came home and l explained what happened. He said "Maybe your angel is still in the curve of the pipe under the sink (the elbow)." 
As he was pulling it apart l said "Maybe my piece of gold might be lodged in there to."
Our Rushworth friends visited us over a month ago and bought us a little piece of gold to put on my "Rushworth Heritage Mosaic".(That's another story - in the next blog) .As they had stayed for lunch and we had talked for many hours when they left l hurriedly washed all the dishes.
Too late! l remembered the gold had been on the plate.

Back to my angel!
The pipes under the sink are removed and in the curve of that pipe was my angel- a miracle.
Also as my husband rolled his finger through the silt he found a tiny piece of gold.
l was meant to lose my angel to find my gold.

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