

We have some great friends in Rushworth who love the bush.
Dinky Di Australians who travel everywhere and often go gold detecting.
But they always come back to gold rush town of Rushworth-their home base.

Lyn, my husband Vince and Neil

We have been to see them many times and enjoyed our underground meals, camp oven roasts and stews. When they go gold detecting in Rushworth they often find precious pieces of old glass, china, old coins,engraved tin gun pouches etc.
l knew l had to preserve these special pieces. 
My hubby found me a large piece of strong aluminum checker plate.
l glued all the precious vintage items they had given me on to this.
lt took me one whole year to complete my mosaic. 
Many of the pieces are over 100 years old from Rushworth's Gold Rush Era.

At the old Whroo Cemetery in Rushworth, engraved on a very old tombstone is this saying.

 Remember me as you pass by,
As you are now so once was l,
As l am now as you will be,
Prepare yourself to follow me.

When l die my large wall hanging will be donated to the Rushworth Museum as it is part of their history.

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