

l knew l had a 10 o"clock appointment to-day at the Shepparton Hospital.
It was my 6 monthly visit with the oncology doctors that come from Melbourne. 
l knew from experience that it would be a 1 to 2 hour wait and l am now very organized with my take away cappuccino and my puzzle books (I'm always trying to win something). 

lts a sad place to wait. l met a lovely lady who looked so well but had found out only 3 weeks ago that she had a large malignant tumor on her liver plus small ones around it. All I could do was offer her words of encouragement.
l was called in and the elderly doctor had a big smile on his face. "Rhonda, l have good news for you. All your tests have come back clear and you have reached the 5 year safe period. From having secondary aggressive cancer which was at extreme high risk, 5 years later you now only have a 15% chance of it coming back again. You are a miracle! Go and celebrate girl!" 

After giving him a big hug l went out to my car where l wept for a few minutes and then l went to the Art Gallery for a much needed coffee.
l told my husband the good news (l could not have got through it without him) and rang my 4 children and my mother.
My hubby took me to a lovely eating place in Tatura called The Gallery for afternoon tea. We treated ourselves with my favorite delicious sticky date pudding with cream and ice-cream and great hot cappuccino's of course. 

So how do I feel about the news?
I still don't know what to think or how to express myself about it.
After I let it sink in and take about 100 big breathes I'll get back to you.

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