

My grandmother was a very special person. 
Before she married my grandfather her maiden name was Neville. 
She told me that her mother and her grandmother were direct descendants of  "Sir  Richard  Neville of Warwick"-also called "The  Kingmaker".

Sir Richard Neville 16th Earl Of Warwick & Warwick Castle

l wrote her this poem and used my pastels to make the roses surrounding my poem. 
She loved roses as much as l did.


You introduced me to so many things,
Bright colored buttons l threaded on cottons and strings.
Enid Blyton, daffodils, walks, wool and birds on wing,
gooseberries, raspberries, and the jam it will bring.
When sent home from school that l sought,
so many migraines and the peace that you brought.
Your knowledge and sense of humour so great,
although punctual at mealtimes you don't like to eat late.
Politics, people, marriage and some problems it brings,
broadminded and able to talk of all things.
You wrote to me after we had our fourth baby,
with a pamphlet on vasectomy, you my grand lady.
l hope there's a little of you in me,
walks, talks and flowers and the love of a tree.
l've inherited your ankles that's easy to see.
Three months of the year to spend between us
We, mum and dad to spoil you without to much fuss.
With each person you meet you leave a lasting impression.
You say what you feel, a lady with expression.
l said a book l would write of the interesting life you have led,
From England to Australia and all the years that ave sped.
But, not being the intellectual type this verse will have to do instead.
So to my granny and other granny's there is a special need.
To love and to teach, like a flower from a seed.

Later on l did write my Granny's story. 
Her life was so interesting and we talked for hours as l was gathering information. 
Not long after she died l received all the information from England, that we were in fact direct descendants of  the "Earl of Warwick"  Traced back to the 15th Century.

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