

When l baby sit my grandchildren aged 4 and 5 years old they love to see my false teeth.
They seen me cleaning them once and now they think l'm magic, or my teeth are!
l went to baby sit them at their house last night so my son and daughter-in-law could go out and have a little time to themselves. 
After the little ones had their showers and put their warm pyjamas on l said "Before you go to bed it's time to clean your toothy pegs". They just looked at me and said "Nana can you show us your magic teeth and make your eyes go funny?". 
Taking my top teeth out and crossing my eyes l started to chase them as l suppose most grandmothers do! "Now",  l said, "lts time to clean your teeth because you don't want them to drop out like nana's did. They both looked at each other and refused to clean them because they wanted them to drop out so they could have magic teeth like nana's!
l  think l'll leave it to their parents to work that problem out!

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