

 l have just taken some more photos of some Arty Cows. l love these happy full size cows. 
They are called "Moooving  Art" as they are based in Shepparton but these moo cows are "moooved" around to other areas.
So whenever l have to go to Shepparton, my camera is always ready just in case there is a new one.
There's over 60 cows in  my photo album now.

 My son Jody and my grandson Kye

 My grandsons Kye and Isaac

 l hope you enjoy these photos, although its not the same as standing beside the real thing with your arms around their neck. 
My grandchildren especially love to sit on their backs. 
My love of cows might be because as a child I was always a milk drinker as this carried through to adult hood.

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